Monday, April 11, 2011

Sexual Conundrums: Masturbating

Welcome to the first post from our new column, "Sexual Conundrums"! Here we will discuss everyone's favorite general topic: SEX. More specifically, we want to create a public space for debate on specific sexual instances. We will begin with one of the most early and basic sexual functions: masturbation.

SCENARIO: You are masturbating in your room, your friend's bathroom, your parents' bedroom (because they have the other TV with cable and it's 1999) or any other suitable private space when the embarrassing happens: someone walks in.

DEBATE: After the shame has set in and the moment is far enough away, one may begin to dwell on their experience. Some basic questions may arise: Why didn't I mute the TV? How could I not have heard them? Why were they walking so quietly anyways? Did my brother/sister/parent want to see my masturbating? One could go on forever. However, the most important question is how can that two minutes of pleasure be defined? Masturbation was surely taking place, but in the end it did not take place; the act was cut short. Is there a proper term for this enigmatic period of time?

FURTHER READING: Masturbation has frequently been defined as the act of playing sexually with your equipment, and the separate terms "ejaculation" or "orgasm" have been assigned to the climax of the act. However, no one speaks of their private sexual experience as "masturbation, followed by ejaculation/orgasm", they just say they "masturbated". Some suggested terms for the act of masturbation without orgasm are: "bachelorbating", "cum-fishing", and "playing with your penis because it feels good". However, these don't seem adequate, and seem too gender specific. Help!

What do you think? Any suggestions? Please comment!

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