Sunday, September 16, 2012


I just titled this post "Illuminati" because I want more people to visit my blog. People who believe in secret groups seem to love the Internet. They feel safe to discuss their knowledge of secret groups in the most public space possible. Oops. Anyways... triangles, goat horns, an eye on top of a triangle, Lady Gaga, and lots of other shit. The point is, they're (the Illuminati you fool!) waiting to take over the world. The Illuminati's vision: a world where people love shitty stuff, are careless with money, and choose to ignore even VERY recent history. No way that'll happen!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012



I will be posting regularly here again for the first time--since no one has been here yet--on my odd musings and my contributions to The Penalty Flag (I'm an NFL team writer) and HUSH Magazine (I write on culture, society, other vague areas). I will be using Twitter and Facebook and things to keep people aware of my existence as an internet presence. It is a strong presence. I will overload all of your social media news feeds with my self-important, minor internet works. 

Please go back and read the old posts on this blog. I think they are really funny and I am far enough removed from writing them to say so with some degree of confidence.

If you don't like curse words, the existence of sex, thoughts that occur to a lot of people, any ideas that you don't agree with, or just love being offended as a personal hobby (!), maybe just ignore the old posts here and my work at HUSH Magazine especially. If it makes you uneasy to know that there are people writing about things you disagree with and your curiosity will only be sated by ignoring my warning, feel free to leave a comment below the offending work(s) with specific details about why you were offended, which part(s) offended you, and how your feelings are related to your choice of religious or philosophical doctrine. 

If you are one of the normal ones (wink, wink) then please read and enjoy all that I have to offer!

Warmest regards,
